Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Sort of... Michelle has a double ear infection.  I guess its not just 2 year olds that get 'em go figure.  The girls are napping and when they wake up we are off to my parents house for New Years fun. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jump N Jammin'

I took the kids to Jump N Jammin' today - it ROCKED.  It was really an awesome time.  After that we headed to my friend Lucy's house - and stayed there the rest of the day.  I plopped my sick butt on the couch and didn't move - she took care of my kids for the rest of the day.  :)

I'm still stuffy and congested and miserable so I'm now going to bed.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Made it to the mall

But made it to the mall...for 6 hours straight I did nothing but shop.  I didn't even stop to eat - I grabbed a pretzel and ate on the go.  The girls went to Pete's parents house - otherwise I never would have gotten that much shopping done.  It sounds like I'm a shopaholic but really - I hate shopping.  I just tried to fit it all in at once because I was kid free. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sleep - for the girls

We didn't make it to the mall today.  I woke up feeling worse than I have in the past 3 days.  But the girls slept 12.5 hours last night AND they took a 3 hour nap today.  We made it out to play in the snow for a little while.  I couldn't take them sledding because it's a 2 man job (one to push them and one to catch them!).  But we shoveled and made some snow angels! 

Monday, December 27, 2010


Luckily Pete already had today off.  We got a considerable amount of snow finally!  1st real storm of the season.  We took the girls out earlier in the day to play in the snow.  Hannah & Hailey pretty much just complained the whole time that it was cold and windy.  Emily on the other hand was all for it!  She helped me dig out our cars and even helped with a few of the neighbors cars as well.  She had her own 'shubble' and I let her get a bucket of sand to throw down when we were done. 

After their naps - we decided to take them back out and go sledding.  This time they were ALL into it.  But not for very long.  Hannah & Hailey once again pulled out their Diva cards and decided it was too cold and too windy to play.   It was fun while it lasted though :) 

Pete took down all the xmas decorations yesterday - including the tree.  Today - we cleaned up the house, found places for all of their toys and got organized.  It feels great to finally have the house back in order (even if it's only going to last until the girls wake up tomorrow morning). 

Lately the girls have been sleeping very well at night and not waking up until around 7 in the morning.  And what Pete and I have been doing is one of us gets up with them while the other stays in bed for a couple extra hours of sleep.  Then we switch.  So I got up this morning with them but when Pete woke up and came downstairs - I went back to bed for a couple more hours.  It sounds crazy to do but it's been helping me feel better and keeping me more relaxed.  I don't really go back to sleep (how could I with 3 screaming toddlers running around with all these new toys?!?!) but I get to relax. 

Tomorrow Pete is headed back to work.  Depending on how I feel - I might venture out to the mall with the girls.  We'll see how it goes. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

What a whirlwind of a few days.  We had plenty of cookies, candy, parties and gifts.  But most of all we had lots of family time. 

We started the holiday with a family xmas party up in MA.  That was amazing this year.  There were so many people that we didn't expect to see and a table set for royals!  The girls had an amazing time playing with their cousins and it was nothing but perfect.

Then came xmas morning.  We had a houseful here as well.  My mother, sister, niece and 2 brothers slept over.  Brother #3 showed up at 6:00am before everyone woke up.  I think he would have slept here too if we had room (he opted for his bed over the living room floor and I sure don't blame him).  All of the adults were wide awake before the kids.  So funny!  I think we were more excited than the kids were. 

Once they were up we all opened tons (too many if there is such a thing) of gifts.  Then we enjoyed the usual fried dough and coffee for breakfast.  Followed by short naps for the girls and then it was off to xmas #3!

We went to Pete's parents for the rest of the afternoon/better part of the evening.  There is always good cooking over there so we ate a ton and enjoyed more family time.

We were suppose to have xmas #4 today but I'm not feeling great.  I think the stress of the holidays finally caught up with me and pulled me down for the day today. 

The girls had SO MANY gifts that we actually kept some stuff for their bday.  It's insane how much stuff they got.  On their absolute favorite list?  If I had to choose top 3 it would be 1: Sticky Post It notes (really...I'm not even kidding - these things are EVERYWHERE!) 2: Little tin banks with Chuck E Cheese coins and 3: their very own Leaptop Laptops (so they can work with Mommy).  This is just today though.  Tomorrow - there will be a new top 3 list and the list will continue to change everyday until they move out and get married. 

Pete took down all of the xmas decorations today so that the kids weren't too confused.  They already woke up this morning and wanted to know why there wasn't anything in their stockings.  I even took their stockings down last night so they weren't hanging up!  I'm not sure they understand the concept of time yet so telling them Santa isn't coming for another year is just way too complex for them. 

Now that the stress of xmas is's time to start planning their 3rd BIRTHDAY! babies are turning 3.................

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2 days left!

Santa is coming in just 2 short days!  The kids are excited - and so are we :)  They've been really good lately so I do believe that Santa is going to be really good them.........

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ok Ok Ok!

I get it.  I've been told to dust off the blog.  It's been nice not 'having' to blog every night.  But I always think about it.  I want the girls to be able to read about their whole life when they get older lol.

I quit my job...permanently.  No. More. $. For. Me.  But the work load has quadrupled.  By this I mean - I am a Stay At Home MOM (Mother Of Multiples).  I work harder now than ever before in my life! 

It's been good to be home.  But the wear and tear of no adult contact has had it's effects.  The girls have made some huge progress in terms of attitude and whining (2 things I absolutely can not tolerate).  They are genuinely happy and they are sleeping better as well.  This isn't to say they weren't being taken care of in a great way before.  It's only to say they are on a better schedule (and stricter schedule) and it's working out better for us now

The holidays are here.  And it's a sad year for us.  My dad is gone and won't be here to enjoy the 1st xmas in over 15 years where we've all been together.  By all I mean - my 3 brothers, my sister and myself.  It's been rough.  But with keeping so busy - it takes my mind off things.  I have family - and for that I'm thankful. 

The girls have been (knock on wood) healthy.  They had a rough patch a little while back but they pulled through and so far so good.  Although Hailey has started to have a runny nose today...hope it doesn't turn into much! 

Had surgery on my wrist - still stiff (way stiff) and sore.  But in physical therapy and have a monstrous thing to wear at home a few times a day. 

Having trouble getting my insurance coverage through Pete (one state agency doesn't want to seem to work with another!).  I am only covered thru the end of December so hopefully it'll all get straightened out before then cuz Lord knows my body does some freakish things at the most inconvenient times! 

Potty training sucks so I gave up. 

I'm waiting on a date to have the girls evaluated by our birth-3 program for some speech therapy.  They have their own little language but they also have some hang ups that I want to get taken care of while they're young.  Nothing big...just enough to be concerned about.  Ie:  Stinky Smelly Skunk = Tinky Melly Kunk (notice they drop the S).  But no worries - they sure can say SANTA!  (LOL they drop the consonant when it's followed by another consonant but not when it's followed by a vowel).  I have no idea if it's 'normal' or not but the Birth - 3 program will do an evaluation for free so I'm gonna use my resources. 

Sleep.  There's never enough.  Laundry.  There's always too much.   Balance.  Something I can't find between the 2.  I'll keep working.............

Monday, December 6, 2010

Still Tired

I wake up thinking about when I'll get to sleep again.  I don't know if it's because I'm not working out and my body is in desperate need of some energy that way - or if it's because I'm simply not getting enough sleep.  Probably a combination of the 2...but the end result is still the same.  I'M TIRED! 

I gave my notice last week at work.  It SUCKS to say the least.  But it all comes down to what's best for the girls and that means me being home with them.  I think the one real reason I'm not happy about leaving work is the money and benefits.  I'm fine with being home with the kids, I love the freedom of doing what I want and going wherever we want to go.   But it makes me wicked nervous to know that we will be living on one income, spending more than we make, not knowing where the future will take us.......

But we'll get through it as we always do.  Together as a family. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good girls

The girls were really good today.  We all had a great day.  Maybe the Elf will leave something in the stockings tonight.