Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tattle Tails

Yup...we have 'em.  The girls will run and tell on each other about everything.  Most times I say "Hmmm...sounds like something you can work out on your own."  But there are instances that need some intervention - like hitting.  Hitting seems to be a big thing lately.  I'm not a fan - but not much I can do except try to curb the behavior.  Hitting them back isn't an option (really doesn't even need an explanation does it?).  But sometimes the tattling gets out of control.  "Mommy!!!!!!!!!  She did ____ to me!!!!" as they do whatever was done to them...and 10x harder I'm sure.  It's funny sometimes but other times is just plain annoying.  My patience wears thin and I think they sense that and feed off me....ugh. 

School is amazing.  They are coming home singing songs and talking about their day.  They love it!  Gym, music, the library...even the bathroom trips (there isn't a bathroom in their classroom - they have to make trips to use the potty!).  The teacher has also told me that she separated the girls into separate groups.  So although they're in the same classroom - they aren't always doing the same activity.  I LOVE this idea and it seems to be working well for the girls. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree it can be very annoying! The next time you feel you are about to hit your peak for patience and are going to step in don't! Remind them that they have to work it out. AND remind yourself that this is how they will learn to work, play, and love each other. They are only three - nows a good time for them to learn to compromise with each other - there are plenty of years ahead of you all still and I am betting on your not wanting to hear "Mommy she took my jeans!" I am sure you have heard me say it before but I will repeat it again - my take . . . is anyone bleeding? does anyone need to go to the hospital? No? Ok then go figure it out and if you can't then I have some chores to keep you busy! Ok not quite age appropriate for 3 - but it certainly works on 13!
