Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Birthday

Daddy here.  The girls wanted me to post a very BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOMMY!!!
We love you and think you are the best mom in the whole world.  We love all the fun things you do with us, the walks, the park, the mall.  Emily says she loves the mall the most.  Thank you for making our lives super fun.

Hannah, Hailey, Emily

PS:  Happy Birthday, I love you too.  O-|->

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tattle Tails

Yup...we have 'em.  The girls will run and tell on each other about everything.  Most times I say "Hmmm...sounds like something you can work out on your own."  But there are instances that need some intervention - like hitting.  Hitting seems to be a big thing lately.  I'm not a fan - but not much I can do except try to curb the behavior.  Hitting them back isn't an option (really doesn't even need an explanation does it?).  But sometimes the tattling gets out of control.  "Mommy!!!!!!!!!  She did ____ to me!!!!" as they do whatever was done to them...and 10x harder I'm sure.  It's funny sometimes but other times is just plain annoying.  My patience wears thin and I think they sense that and feed off me....ugh. 

School is amazing.  They are coming home singing songs and talking about their day.  They love it!  Gym, music, the library...even the bathroom trips (there isn't a bathroom in their classroom - they have to make trips to use the potty!).  The teacher has also told me that she separated the girls into separate groups.  So although they're in the same classroom - they aren't always doing the same activity.  I LOVE this idea and it seems to be working well for the girls. 

Monday, September 19, 2011


I dropped the girls off at school today and they walked tears and NO KISSES GOODBYE FOR MOMMY!  They just went to sit down at their table to get the day started.  I could have gone over to them and kissed them goodbye - but I just know that would have started something so I left.  But man...I guess I have to watch what I wish for. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011


If you've ever tried getting a child dressed then you know it's an event.  There's always something more important to be doing besides standing there getting your clothes on.  The other night I was trying to get Emily into her pj's.  She was everywhere but where I needed her to be.  I'd get one pant leg in and then she's pulling away to pick up a piece of paper......   Finally I yelled at her and said "EMILY!  GET OVER HERE, STAND STILL AND GET YOUR PJ'S ON NOW!"  She promptly stomped over to me, grabbed my face between her hands and yelled right back "IT'S NOT EASY!"  Guess I never considered how hard it is to stand still when you're 3...............

Thursday, September 15, 2011

4th graders!

When I picked the girls up at school yesterday the teacher told me that the pre-k 3 class had a visit from the 4th graders.  Apparently the girls didn't like this at all and proceeded to have a triple meltdown.  Hailey informed me that someone tried to hold her hand lol.  I am guessing that when you're in the 4th grade - a bunch of preschoolers look like live dolls.  So they probably were trying to get the kids to go play or read and Hailey just wasn't having it (none of the girls were).  But the teacher did say they're talking with other students, playing and they've managed to separate the girls within the classroom.   So far - so good!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Missing Pieces

I haven't been blogging - life isn't exactly where I want it to be right now.  Not something I even want to get into on the blog though (not even something I want to get into in life...).  But it's times like this  when I wonder where I went wrong or if I went wrong.  Was it destiny for things to be this way?  Or did I make it this way on my own?  Maybe a little of both.  The fact of the matter is that 'it is what it is'.  We wake up and move through the days, weeks, months...time passes.  But somewhere - pieces are missing. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

2nd week of preschool

Well the girls did awesome this week at school.  They really didn't want to go back when Tuesday rolled around (Monday was a holiday) but they were troopers and made it through the week.  Tonight we have a school picnic to attend so that we can meet some of the other parents, teachers and children.  I can tell already that I'm going to have a hard time keeping up with all of the activities and schedule.  And the paperwork...................

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The weekend is here!  The girls started at dinner last night about how they didn't want to go to school today. "I don't wannaaaaa go to school tomorrow............."  Lucky for them it's the weekend.  And a long weekend at that since there isn't any school Monday.  I'm sure Tuesday we'll be back to the screaming and crying.  But this too shall pass (so I'm told....).

Paperwork will be the death of me.  (After I die from the whining).  I don't know why - but each one of them comes home with the same stack of papers.  I only need to read it once...but I guess I can have a new copy if I have to reread it.  lol  I might ask that they designate one folder for all of their paperwork but I'm not sure they'll agree. If not - it's not a big deal - it just seems like it's a waste of paper. 

Fundraisers?  Hmmm.  For YEARS AND YEARS I've been buying fundraisers.  One of the jokes that started when we had the girls was that everyone was going to get hit with 3x the buying since they'll have to buy something from each girl.  Get this.   The school added a $400 'fundraiser fee' on to each tuition this year.  Why?  So that we don't have to do fundraising.  Basically they just increased the tuition.   I was really looking forward to all that candy and wrapping paper! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2nd day of preschool

Not so easy.  Much worse of a drop off than yesterday.  Pete went to work at 7:15 and the girls CRIED "I don't want to go to schooooooolllllllll!"  At one point Hailey said "I'll go to school TOMORROW...just NOT TODAY" to which Emily quickly replied "Not me mommyyyyy...I never want to go to schooooolllllll."  Oh please add the 3y/o whine into all of these sentences.  LB was home - so he came to school with us so that he could see where their classroom is (he's on the list as someone that can pick them up). 

Once we got there - I brought them in the room and they were screaming again.  I gave them all kisses, said I'd be back and started to head out the door...then the teacher said they need to be signed in.  Just that small bit of hesitation was long enough for all 3 of them to get a death grip on my pants.  I quickly signed Emily in but left the other 2 blank...figured it was an all for one/one for all deal.  I peeled their hands off of me and headed out the door.  LB was right behind me.  Rough rough rough.  Who knew kids could tear at your heart like this?!?! 

When we went and picked them up - they were happy and once again agreed to go back tomorrow.  Good thing cuz they're going back. 

We went to the park for a picnic lunch before heading home for naps.  Hopefully tomorrow is a little easier but it might get worse before it gets easier.  Imagine how the teacher feels?!?!?!